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{The List-} User friendliness/The manual/Help files

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Kuciwalker
    Why not use the standard Windows open-file box, with an extra part to display some info about the actual savegame you have selected?
    You either use teh standard windows dialoge box exactly as is, or you do a total rewrite. In terms of programming difficulty, there is no middle ground.
    The sons of the prophet were valiant and bold,
    And quite unaccustomed to fear,
    But the bravest of all is the one that I'm told,
    Is named Abdul Abulbul Amir


    • #17
      Pausing Anytime

      Be able to pause the game in the middle of anything it's doing tolook at settings, etc. When it's cycling through automated or AI units. Be able to change orders in the middle. Be able to more easily observe what the AI is doing before it's finished.


      • #18
        Just wondering Trifna, coudl you add titles to all the ideas so that they can be categorized and easily summed up by Firaxis- like the title that Brent provided in the above post?

        after you do that- I'd be glad to add them to the list.

        -->Visit CGN!
        -->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944


        • #19
          Originally posted by Kuciwalker
          Forget the historical stuff about units. Most people never read it and it doesn't enhance gameplay.
          I disagree. I really enjoy reading the stuff that is "unimportant" when you only consider gameplay issues. I understand that most people creating scenarios or mods don't do it, but I definately want all the text in the Civilopedia that comes with the game.

          Originally posted by Kuciwalker
          Make it easy to generate Civpedia entries IN THE EDITOR.
          Now this is really simple, by adding a small feature to the editor. Namely an option for the editor to automatically make empty entries in the Civilopedia and/or to take over civilopedia entries from other related things (in your example, that would be other units). This way if I don't want to mess with those entries, I don't have to. In fact, all the required work related to adding something into the game should be done by the editor (the current system is dreadful, and that's a compliment ). What I would get is a feature added to the game and some empty space in the text file(s), that I (or somebody else, like somebody actually interested, or payed ) could fill if need be.
          Last edited by Modo44; November 2, 2004, 19:13.
          Seriously. Kung freaking fu.


          • #20
            Most Civ3 players would not look at every single factor, except if they are streamlined and can easily be seen somehow.

            Sometimes many factors sum up to affect a single aspect (such as a city's mood with positive/negative factors, economic income/outcome, corruption with positive/negative factors, diplomatic situation...).

            For that, I propose the "raibow bar" as an interface tool.

            What counts is the total bar, which is composed of each factor which has its own color. What counts is the sum of each part (with its color) of the bar forming the the whole "rainbow bar" (containing each color). When it reaches a certain line, you get unrest for example. This bar coult be on the city screen and everywhere needed.

            One aspect that needs to be looked at is how to include the negative part (since there are positive factors, but also negative ones). Possible way: the "negative" bar just under the "positive" bar starting from the right side of the positive, the left end of it being where the line of your current situation is drawn (affecting the given aspect).

            This seems like the "simple and efficient" that can be included, while permitting to incorporate some multi-elementary composed effects.
            Last edited by Trifna; December 3, 2004, 22:18.
            Go GalCiv, go! Go Society, go!


            • #21
              This isn't really a reply to what is being talked about, but I feel it fits the thread well.

              When I play civ I always check what tiles are being worked in every city on every turn. A little redundant (but neccesary imo) in civ1 for SNES. Then civ2 comes along with the greatest thing since sliced can click on the city in the city management screen and it resests all you citizens to the most productive tiles!!! Pure genius.

              Well, along comes civ3 and I'm expecting it too contain an invaluable tool... Lets say you got three citizens in a city and when you click on the city to let the computer decide what tiles to work. Well it just so happens there are two wheated floodplains in the cities radius. So the computer desides to make two citizens work the wheated floodplains, and of course the third citizen works the city square(let's assume that no other tiles are in the city radius that computer thinks is better than the two wheated floods). Well, a couple of turns pass and you only need one more food to increase in population. I think when you click on the city in the city management screen the computer should know that you only need one food to grow and drop one of the flood plains for a tile that is either production or commerce heavy. In other words the computer should know how much more food or shields are need to either increase population or complete the next project, whatever the case maybe. This is one of my biggest pet peaves.

              If anyone can offer there opinion on this it would be much appreacitated. Thanks!


              • #22
                Civroman, you raise a topic that has been fiercly debated at Apolyton in the past.

                Essentially two camps of thought -- one would identify with your post and would expect that the programmers to eliminate a large amount of the user having "to confirm" "cycle cities" "manually make choices" etc.

                The other group feels that it's the "attention to detail" which seperates the good civ player from the bad. To folks supporting this idea, it's not too much to cycle all your cities and verify everything is the way you want it -- each turn.

                For your specific point raised in your post, I recognize the value in the computer making decisions and changes that you want without your support. However, I myself, would want to retain the control over the settings. I would not want the computer making changes in the city allocation without my involvement.

                BTW, this does not put me firmly in the second camp -- its just this example is one that I would want human control over. Just my opinion, that's all.
                Haven't been here for ages....


                • #23
                  VERY INFORMITIVE!!! I think I left out one aspect of the interface, that I so much want. The computer will only reassign citizens to different tiles if you click on the city square. But you raise a good point. Maybe you can left click the city to use "default assign citizens" and if you right click the city... maybe a cascade window would come up with much like the city govenor. But as I type this, why would you ever want to produce more shields or food than you need to produce the next unit or grow in population. Or maybe your extra foods and sheilds could roll over for the next upcoming project??? Thanks for the reply!!!


                  • #24
                    Couldn't that problem easily be solved if they just did it this way: Let's say you've got 18 food and the city produces 3/turn and you need 20 that it grows. What if they skipped the extra turn, let the population grow immediately and put the remaining 1 food in the container? By this way, you don't have to worry about imperfect city management and have less work.


                    • #25
                      Ah, they're titled- thank you trifna!
                      -->Visit CGN!
                      -->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944

